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Achieve more.

You are ready for more. More challenge, more inspiration, more growth opportunities, more pace. Ready to work alongside financial service providers, business service providers and governments where you will make a difference. With colleagues who challenge you to aim for the best. In an environment where you can make your mark on every project. Are we talking about you? Then we are happy to welcome you to House of Redmore.

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Energy from - and with - each other

The best colleagues ever!

Grow faster than your university peers.

We believe in learning by practise. In doing things you can’t quite manage – and finding out with your colleagues that you can do them after all. Because you learn the most outside your comfort zone. In addition, you can choose from a huge range of training courses and be helped by a personal coach. At House of Redmore, you are not stuck in a growth path. If you are ready, there are plenty of opportunities.

Energy with – and from – each other.

All your 2,000 House of Redmore colleagues work on assignments at leading companies. It is precisely then that it is important to stay connected. Of course, we regularly organise get-togethers and parties. In addition, we invest in an internal programme in which we develop together in all sorts of areas, from hackathons to boxing clinics. From training your brain to training your body, we do it together.

The best collegues ever.

All prim and proper? Not at House of Redmore. We connect young, energetic collaborators who are always hungry for more. Personalities with guts who want to improve something, no matter how big or small. We light each other up to go further. Trying things a little differently sometimes. And celebrate our successes. Because we are always in for a party.

All completely in balance.

The workload in our industry is high – and stress is the order of the day. We want to break with that. We encourage a productive working week without overtime as a norm. One way we achieve this is by setting a good example and training our team in a good work-life balance. This is how we show that it is possible: high performance at work and a good-quality of private life, a sharp mind and a fit body.


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