Talent&Pro introduces Virtual Reality assessment in the recruitment process
Utrecht, September 11, 2023 – Talent&Pro, the innovative Utrecht-based staffing agency that develops professionals for the financial services industry and more, takes a significant step in modernizing its recruitment activities with the introduction of Virtual Reality. From now on, candidates can demonstrate their competency levels in a computer-generated 3D environment. The company expects to better match candidates with the right career path using data from the assessment reports. According to Talent&Pro, the VR tool offers both an exciting experience and valuable insights for applicants and employers alike.
Bias-free recruitment
The integration of VR into the recruitment process aims to provide objective information about competencies, preferences, and behavior. Tobias Weier, co-initiator and Recruitment Manager at Talent&Pro, stated, “We successfully pitched the idea of a VR assessment on behalf of Redmore during the Innovation Contest at House of HR last year because we saw that recruiters still often have to make decisions based on intuition during the hiring process. Methods like STARR and DISC only partially fulfill the need to assess preferred behavior and skills. We believed this could be done differently. Thanks to the prize money from House of HR, we were able to execute our ‘VR The Future’ project. With the VR game, we can now objectively measure competencies during an interview.”
End of traditional recruitment
According to Seda Westerbeek, Human Resource Development Manager, the VR assessment also contributes to greater candidate engagement. Westerbeek commented, “The traditional recruitment model has an expiration date. The new generation of professionals rightly demands more from employers. In a world where AI, virtual reality, and data offer concrete possibilities, relying solely on job interviews and often subjectively perceived analyses of candidates’ suitability won’t cut it. Our VR assessment puts an end to that.”
Supporting professional development
Westerbeek expects that the positive effects of this addition to the recruitment process will also be visible later in the employee journey. “Thanks to the enhanced competency profiles of our consultants, we will be able to provide even better advice on choices, not only regarding training and skill development but also concerning ambition. Which roles suit you, and where can you truly add value? VR THE FUTURE helps our candidates answer these questions.”
Not a selection tool
Westerbeek emphasizes that the VR assessment is not a selection tool but a welcome addition to HR tools already in use within the company. “With our Unit Match, candidates can already explore opportunities before their application. Our digital HR cycle meticulously records development wishes and goals. And thanks to our own IMPACT coaching model, our People Managers provide tailored career and development advice. The VR assessment provides informed direction at the crucial start of your career at Talent&Pro.”
Mapping competencies
Talent&Pro’s VR Room will be put into operation in the week of September 11 and tested by sixteen applicants during this pilot week. At Talent&Pro’s office, they will go through a 45-minute tutorial and complete two parts of the assessment using state-of-the-art VR headsets. They will navigate a virtual environment that assesses communication skills, initiative, flexibility, resilience, and analytical ability. The final report will provide material for a personal discussion with the recruiter and the future People Manager.
About Talent&Pro
Talent&Pro has been active in the placement of highly skilled professionals for over 20 years. With a keen eye for talent and a focus on development and growth, Talent&Pro has assisted countless professionals in achieving their career goals. The company is constantly seeking new ways to enhance the recruitment process and support candidates in discovering their true potential. Talent&Pro is a boutique within Redmore and a part of the multinational HR service provider, House of HR.
For more information, please contact:
Katja Catshoek
Marketing Manager Talent&Pro/Redmore
M 06 51 49 40 28
E katja.catshoek@redmore.eu