Technology & Data

Getting all your data in order to drive your business forward
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Data has become indispensable for ensuring success. How do you provide data solutions that make every customer and employee smarter? With the pragmatic expertise of House of Redmore.

Your situation

Data is crucial for your business – and your success. If your data is not properly organised, your foundations are gone. For financial service providers and governments especially, managing this properly is a real challenge. In the past, islands often emerged in the IT landscape, making it difficult to get data to the right places. We are happy to help.

We make data work for you

We provide access to data – anytime and anywhere. First, we advise on the most appropriate data architecture and implement it if required. We let robotisation and artificial intelligence work for us where possible. Then we organise the data quality. And we ensure that it contributes to your business, or help you comply with the latest legislation. Giving you reassurance that you are compliant. You know exactly what your business results look like – and which dials you can turn to improve them. And you gain information about trends and developments.

This is how we help you move forward

The data specialists at House of Redmore have years of experience in data quality, management and processing. Our approach is thorough and always pragmatic. Because it’s not about visions, but about what works. We understand the challenges of your business and know the underlying data structure. This way, we work with you at a high level – and at the same time provide workable solutions that everyone in your organisation can work with. We achieve this through strategic partnerships with the best software players: from Oracle and SAP to Keylane and Salesforce.

The benefits of Redmore

  • Choose a pragmatic solution that works
  • We stay until everything is in order
  • Data solutions that contribute to your business goals
  • Access to partnerships with the best software houses
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