Providing future-proof credit

This is how we helped a leading bank to future-proof its lending
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The challenge

Being in control, ensuring your customer data is in order. This is important for every organisation, especially for a bank. Obviously to be as efficient and customer-focused as possible – but also because the AFM is looking over your shoulder. A leading Dutch bank asked us to analyse, clean and restore the customer and credit data of customised loans. It also asked us to set up the processes in such a way that no data would be contaminated or missing in the future. In the meantime, business had to go on as usual.

Our approach

Applying our experience, we developed a plan of action and set up a programme structure with two work streams: process analysis and data enrichment. To this end, we engaged experts from Triple A, ITDS and Talent&Pro. In the first workflow, we went through all the steps of involved in the lending process: from the application screen of the advisor to the processing of changes. In this way, we identified where data contamination and defects could arise and we improved the processes.

In the second workflow, we converted our plan into a tightly controlled data street to recover, analyse and thus continuously improve data. To keep up the pace, we increased the team to more than twenty consultants. And while the data and processes were improved at a rapid pace, the inflow never stopped.

This is how we took the bank forward

All data has been cleansed and enriched, giving the bank a clear view of its customer portfolios and providing a sound basis for upcoming migrations. We also established processes for new data quality checks. Just a few key figures: 15,000 credit targets were repaired after qualitative examination, 400 securities repaired, 900 incorrectly handled credits removed from the systems, and 550 incorrect links removed from the systems. And the best proof of success? Other parts of the bank are now also using our data street!

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