Optimal digital insurance

We helped by setting up a new product at an international bank and insurance company.
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The challenge

Speed, flexibility and quality of online services are essential in today’s insurance market. An international insurer asked for our help in designing a new policy and claims administration system that meets all these requirements.

Our approach

Our approach was divided into four phases:

  1. Business requirements
    In working sessions, we translated the wishes of the business into a functional design. We discussed what the insurance product will look like and the various coverages and clauses. We also thought about the premium calculation and how to translate the wishes of the business into IT solutions.
  2. The functioneel design
    Based on these wishes, we developed a first version of the functional design. These concept versions gave the client a good idea of what the product would look like during an application. We also provided offer and change dialogues.
  3. The technical design
    Based on the functional design, we made a technical design that was ready to be implemented. This is a document that specifies all functionalities that are necessary to set up the product properly in one go. We wrote expressions; a kind of code that can be set up directly to make the product work properly.
  4. Setting up the final product
    Finally, we set up the product. Development and testing were done simultaneously. This allowed us to deliver a working product in a short period of time. Each partial delivery was tested. Findings and changes were dealt with immediately.

This is how we took the financial services provider further

With the help of short sprints, the ambitious deadlines were met. The implementation of the new software package supported all core processes of the insurer. This allows customers, intermediaries and partners to apply for insurance, manage policies and submit claims quickly and efficiently. At the same time, the insurer keeps policy and management costs low.

Do you want to know how we can take you visibly further?

Interested to find out how House of Redmore can take your organisation forward? Let’s talk about your challenges. We are your partner in the fields of Risk, Business, Technology, Legal and Finance. From strategy to flawless implementation.

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