A blueprint for further growth

This is how we helped PGB Pension Services to grow in a controlled way with managed insourcing.
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The challenge

At the beginning of this year, pension fund AVH switched to pension fund PGB. This created an organisational challenge for PGB Pensioendiensten, the fund’s administrative organisation. But one that fitted in perfectly with its vision of combining innovation and controlled growth. A partner was therefore sought to staff this major transition and, at the same time, to use the momentum to renew the process organisation. We were trusted to provide this – on site. From organisational set-up to full staffing. Under the motto: better, faster and more efficient.

Our approach

Within three months, we had selected and trained 25 operational and management specialists. The organisation was also ready: the processes, database and consultation structures had been set up and KPIs were clear. Within no time we were operational. We ensured continuity by training people on the job. And with our large team, we could handle any scale demand. Meanwhile, we suggested many improvements – and implemented them immediately. Thus, we built reporting files, which were also used in other parts of PGB Pension Services. And when things did not work out the way we wanted, we searched for a better solution together with our client. Together we achieved more than we thought possible.

This is how we took PGB forward

We lived up to PGB’s trust: there is now a well-run and efficiently organised unit, in which the processes are crystal-clear and transferable – both inside and outside the unit. This is a blueprint for further growth. In this project, we migrated 75,000 participants and 900 employers, and through process optimisation we achieved an STP-grade of 85% within the data acquisition process. Faster, better and more efficient!

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